Detox Bath for a Sick Little

Nothing is worse than having a sick kid-except maybe a sick baby because you can’t explain what’s happening!

When my son developed croup overnight, literally as I lay awake watching him to be sure he was breathing, a special group of mom friends I’m on a text chain with came through with links, suggestions, and even a care package to pick up!

That afternoon I made Luke a detox bath-I personally like doing this in the afternoons, as baths often ramp him up which is not helpful before bath time- and you should only do this detox bath 1x a day for a little one so I often do this before his afternoon nap to help clear the airways.

With essential oils, it’s IMPERATIVE you get high quality organic no additive oils, BUT because often we don’t get stuff in advance for our kids, I thankfully found the most perfect blend of Epsom salts at my local Walgreens! So know there are two options here for you: one for if you have oils on hand…and one for if you don’t (and don’t have an amazing friend 15 minutes away that lends you her bottle.)


  • 3 Drops Orange Essential Oil (optional if you get the Restore and Replenish salts…I did both because I’m all about overkill when a virus shows up)

  • 3/4 Cup Dr. Teals Pink Himalayan Mineral Soak “Restore&Replenish” This one has Epsom salts AND Orange essential oils already!  (If you have the orange oil, you can always just get unscented Epsom salts. They have other wonderful infusions as well…I just have an aversion to Lavender and didn’t really want eucalyptus in the bath with him)

  • 1.5 TBS baking soda (use this in every bath while they’re sick, it neutralizes he chlorine) 

  • 2 TBS of Bentonite Clay

  • A Spoonful of Coconut oil

Hop in there with your cutie, as it’s slippery, and enjoy.  I had him take some deep breaths in and out as we soaked for a little over 15 minutes to help encourage his airways to take in all the goodness, and have done this bath daily as he continues to battle the virus. If I’m planning on washing his hair-then I skip the coconut oil :)

You’ve got this!